Cammie and Marcus presenting me with a birthday cake. |
Every good cook knows that in order to produce delicious food,
you have to taste the food as you
prepare it. Every fine chef will tell
you this is a cardinal rule. And again, when the dish has been served, the
taste test is the moment of truth. I
enjoy preparing meals for my family to enjoy.
Yet often I’ve had to coax a picky eater to “taste” a new dish. “You can’t say you don’t like it if you haven’t
tasted it,” I say. This Scripture, like
an excellent cook, urges you to taste.
“O taste and see
that the Lord is good. . . .” Taste--I could coax you, as I’ve coaxed
my children. Taste--I could challenge you. Taste—I
will attest to His goodness. “Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” This Scripture is a challenge with a
promise. If you give the Lord a try, you
will experience His goodness, leading you to trust in Him, resulting in blessings
for you. Haven’t we all enjoyed the savory delight of a delicious morsel of
food? The goodness of the Lord can not
be compared.
When I made the
decision in 1977 to make Jesus the Lord of my life, I tasted. Every day I read a
little devotional booklet called OurDaily Bread. Its simple format
consisted of a few verses of scripture, followed by a prayer. I was faithful to this daily exercise to
honor my new commitment to make God a part of my life. I tasted a little each day, not knowing
exactly what to expect. Soon I wanted to
know more about God and Jesus Christ; I started reading and praying more. I became hungry for His Word, the Bread of
Life. It’s made all the difference in my life. I offer you this challenge—taste and see. I believe that you, too, will attest to the
goodness and the blessings of the Lord.