Norma Gail |
happy to introduce to you today Norma Gail. Norma Gail’s debut
Christian novel, Land of My Dreams, released
in April 2014. Her devotionals and poetry have appeared at
ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, and in “The Secret Place.”
She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, FaithWriters, and the
New Mexico Christian Novelists. She lives in the mountains of New Mexico with
her husband of 38 years. They have two adult children.
hope you enjoy the interview. Be sure to
leave a comment at the end as your entry in our random drawing to win a copy of
Land of My Dreams.
Norma Gail,
please tell us a little about yourself and your writing.
began writing poetry and short stories when I was very young and continued all
through my school years, but stopped for a nursing career and to raise my
children. I didn’t begin writing again until I was in my forties, and then only
on rare occasions. It wasn’t until my children were grown that I began to write
seriously. Land of My Dreams is my
first novel.
What inspired
you on your writing journey?
feel an intense desire to explain the struggles and challenges that have taught
me the greatest lessons of my Christian life through stories that entertain and
draw the reader in until they become a part of the story.
Do you have a
publishing secret you’d like to share with other writers?
need to feel confidant you have found your own voice, but it is important to
listen to what others are telling you. Do the paid critiques, talk to a variety
of people, other authors, editors, and agents. If they are saying some major
changes need to be done to make your book publishable, do them. If you are
serious about your writing you need to be teachable.
What is the most
meaningful truth you hope your readers glean from your writing?
want my readers to learn that we have a loving God who can turn even the worst
of trials into blessing. I don’t write light fiction. There are heavy spiritual
lessons to be learned in this story, and the reviews bear that out. I write
very much from the point of view of a Bible study leader. Having led women’s
Bible studies for 19 years, my thinking is deeply scriptural. I want to
communicate the wisdom of God’s word and the blessings of obedience, as well as
the consequences of doing things our own way.
Please tell us
about your new novel.
Land of MyDreams
began as a dream as we prepared for a trip to Scotland for our thirtieth wedding
anniversary. I literally dreamed about a man in a kilt on a misty mountainside
with his bagpipes, and surrounded by sheep. The characters developed as people
who had been hurt by life and questioned a loving God who is personally
involved in their daily lives. Bonny and Kieran are a little older than in some
romances. Both have suffered tremendous loss. It takes time to trust each other
and their relationship is threatened by their inability to leave the past
behind and trust God. They are surrounded by friends who direct them toward the
Lord in loving and pretty straight forward ways.
Here’s the back
cover copy of the book:
Alone and betrayed, American professor,
Bonny Bryant longs for a haven of peace. She accepts a position at a small
Christian college in Fort William, Scotland, craving escape from her painful
past. The passionate love which develops when she meets fellow professor and
sheep farmer, Kieran MacDonell, is something she never anticipated.Kieran harbors a deep anger toward God
in the face of his own devastating grief. When Bonny’s former fiancĂ© reenters
her life, Kieran’s loneliness draws him to a former student.How will Bonny decide between her
rivals? Can they set aside the past to make way for a future, or will it drive
them apart?
Landof My Dreams spans
the distance between New Mexico’s high desert mountains and the misty Scottish
Highlands with a timeless story of overwhelming grief, undying love, and
compelling faith.
can’t wait to get my own copy, Norma Gail.
It sounds intriguing. How can readers contact you on the web?
My website: www.normagail.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorNormaGail
Land of Dreams is available for purchase on
Amazon.com and BN.com (Barnes & Noble).
conclusion, I like to ask my guest authors to share their favorite Scripture
They are not just idle words for you--they are
your life. De. 32:47 NIV
I first
learned this Scripture when I was a discussion leader in Bible Study
Fellowship. Not only has teaching and leading other women in Bible study been
my passion and ministry for 19 years, it is my source of strength to make it
through every day as I deal with fibromyalgia and other health problems. There
is no life worth living apart from Jesus Christ.
Dear Readers, thank you for visiting
Write Moments with God. I hope you've enjoyed getting to know Norma Gail as much as I have. If you will leave a comment below (including your email in case you are the winner) we will include your name in the random drawing for a copy of
Land of My Dreams. Please comment by Sunday, November 9th. The winner will be announced on the blog on Monday, November 10th. As always, I appreciate you. Blessings!