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A mountain stream ~ Google image |
Thus said the LORD, Let not the wise
man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not
the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth, glory in this,
that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD which exercise loving
kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I
delight, said the LORD. Jeremiah 9: 23, 24AKJV
I wrote the above
verses on an index card and read it several times a day over the past
week. The more I thought about it, the
more excited I got about it.
There is real reason to glory when we
have conquered our pride.
When we realize that
all our wisdom (and all our advantaged degrees) are foolishness in the light of
our all-knowing God.
When we realize that
in ourselves we have no strength--for we are dust.
When we realize that
riches and worldly possessions are just vanity.
And all is fleeting.
Then we can REST in
HIS PEACE trusting only in God and His Will.
Desiring nothing but what comes from His hands.
And in what things does He delight?
Loving kindness—I totally depend upon it.
Judgment—All His
judgments are true.
righteousness is in Him.
In what can I rejoice?
That I understand and
know the LORD.
And my prayer is that
we will seek to understand and know Him more and more until we see Him face to
face in all His glory.
Understanding is a well-spring of life
unto him that hath it. Proverbs 16:22a
And the meditation of my heart shall be
understanding. Psalm 49:3b
Fay Lamb's beautiful picture taken in the NC mountains
I am honored that you have visited Write Moments with God. I pray that God blesses you with His grace and peace today. Thank you for visiting. I welcome you to leave your comments below. I always like to hear from you.
And now, drum roll please! The winner of last week's book give-away.
Jeanette Levellie will be receiving a copy of Fay Lamb's novel Charisse (book one in the Ties that Bind series).
Fay and I would like to thank all of you who visited and commented last week. We appreciate your kind words and encouragement.
And remember, the first Monday of every month, there's a featured author and a book give-away.
Thanks so much, Rose and Fay! I can't wait to receive and read this yummy-looking book! Much grace,