Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Message of the Cursed Fig Tree

Unripened Figs ~ Google Image

The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." And his disciples heard him say it.  Mark 11: 12-14 NIV 

Yesterday while I was taking my morning walk, I noticed a fig tree covered in green fruit.  I thought of the story of the cursed fig tree.  And I came home to look it up in my Bible and think about it some more.

This story from Scripture has always bothered me.  I’ve studied over it many times.  My sympathies have been for the poor fig tree, because I couldn’t figure out why Jesus would curse that tree when it wasn’t even time for the fruits to be ripe. 

Jesus was hungry!  Oh, the humanity.  He was subject to like passions as we are. Just the thought of Jesus being physically hungry makes tears come to my eyes. 

So, I can’t see Him stopping to think, Oh, I’ll use this tree for an object lesson on the power of the spoken word!  Or I’ll use this tree as a symbol of the nation of Israel.  (Bear with me friends.)

Knowing full well though that Jesus did nothing contrary to God’s will--nothing that wasn’t it perfect harmony to the LIGHT and GRACE and TRUTH that is God’s Word made flesh--I knew there was something in this story that I needed to understand.  I can’t conceive of Jesus ever having done anything haphazardly.  His action sprung naturally from His nature as God and Man. 
So, what is the message of the cursed fig tree for us?  Feel free to share your thoughts and shed more light on the subject.  (Many candles burning together will make a bright light.) 

And in the morning, when they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.  And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.  Mark 11: 20-21. KJV

The tree had “withered away” and “dried up from the roots”. 

There seems to me to be a strong connection between this event and Jesus’s parable of the true vine in John 15.  (If you have the time, see John 15: 1-8.)

A vine that is abiding in Him will bear much fruit. 

Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit…John 15:8a 

Jesus looked to the tree for fruits to serve His needs!  But when He looked, He found nothing there…it was not what He expected…there was just a show of leaves.
The tree had not served its purpose for the time that Jesus needed it.
 I pray that when the Lord looks to me to serve a need that He finds actual fruits for His use, and not just an outward appearance of fruitfulness.
                                                                       Ripe figs ~ Google image
Please feel free to add your thoughts below.  Click comment.  I appreciate what you have to say.  Thank you so much for visiting Write Moments with God.  May God bless you with an abundance of spiritual fruits for His use.


  1. Thank you Rose for this insightful devotion. I have always wondered about it myself. Thank you for bringing it into context with the Vine and Branches scripture. Makes a lot more sense now.

    1. Thank you Laura. And may God continue to give us understanding. I need to ask for wisdom often. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

  2. I think we have to see this more in its context.
    The day before, Jesus had surveyed the temple, and left it - and had clearly determined action had to be taken the following day - to challenge and overthrow the status quo, to make the temple afresh a house of prayer for all the nations.
    Certainly the fig tree that was not bearing the expected fruit - mirrored the temple at the heart of the nation - equally not bearing fruit.

    But whether it was the same event, or another earlier occasion described by John, in John 2 - it is recorded of Jesus that He was consumed by zeal for His Father's house. Oh that we could appreciate the inner turmoil and bubbling zeal that is about to surface in hot anger - and this is just arising in His thoughts and emotions....

    Just how rational and controlled are you and I, moments before you give vent to that kind of anger? For He was tempted in every way the same as we are.

    And when we see similar stumbling blocks today, that prevent people from coming to see, to know and to relate to their Heavenly Papa - should we too not rise up and tear them down..... Will we allow that same zeal to arise and consume our hearts?

    1. Thank you so much Jim for taking your time to give us your understanding of this Scripture. I appreciate that so much. God bless you.
